KBO was honored to receive a letter of apology from the ambassador last Tuesday, and we would like to share to all Buddhists and all the kingdom of Thailand.
"Once again, I would like to convey my sincerest apologies."
-Jeon Jaeman
Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Kingdom of Thailand.
After Knowing Buddha Organization(KBO) has been reported of an extremely disrespectful act from one of
Korea's comedy TV show, it had drawn great attention,stirring great emotions and became big news. KBO
then immediately writes a letter to the Embassy of Korea to explain the inappropriateness of this issue.
The ambassador replied with great regret to hear the news and informing that he has taken action on this
matter and have informed the TV show. Nevertheless requesting the government office to solve this
problem soonest asking TVN channel in Korea to apologize to Buddhists in Thailand. The TVN channel
shows their apology and that they will think twice before broadcasting.